No intermediaries
There are no intermediaries, you can directly contact the hotel
Quick estimate
You can receive an estimate within 24 hours of its request with no obligation and without booking constraints
No obligation
Take your time to make your decisions, no-one will call you back or disturb you
Friendly, relaxing, clean as a whistle, lovely location
" I booked Hotel Al Madarig for one night because I was arriving late at night and thought it would be convenient. After one night I decided to stay for a week. I had a lovely, cosy room on the second floor with a balcony / terrace overlooking the piazza and the sea. My room was light and warm, with a plate glass window overlooking the roofs of Castellamare above me. I could walk to the port in 10 minutes and to all the restaurants in town. Staff were extremely courteous and the atmosphere was very easy and warm. Breakfasts were plentiful. I intend to go back next year "
Gladys63_10 | Londra, Regno Unito